5+ years “No lost time injuries”

Over 104,000 linear feet of Tunnels have been curtain grouted for water intrusion with NOH2O® grouting.

Over 31,000 linear feet of joints have been sealed in steel & cast-iron tunnels.

Over 80,000 cubic yards of soil have been consolidated with Jet & permeation grouting technologies.



Remediating uncontrolled water inflow into underground structures poses a significant challenge for engineers, civil/municipal infrastructure owners, and mine operators. Water intrusion can result in hazardous conditions, jeopardizing the safety of personnel within underground structures and also affecting the operational efficiency and life-span of equipment. Sovereign Hydroseal effectively addresses uncontrolled water intrusion by devising and implementing cutting-edge solutions to seal underground infrastructure. Sovereign’s state-of-the-art approach involves application of NOH2O®, a proprietary polymer-based emulsion (PBE) grout, using specially designed systems and techniques tailored to each situation.



Sovereign Hydroseal provides long-term waterproofing and water infiltration solutions for civil projects ranging from underground transportation structures, such as subway tunnels and stations, to dams, waste disposal sites and retaining walls. Projects have been focused in major cities where the Sovereign team of specialists are accustomed to working in congested...


Over 50 years ago, Sovereign invented NOH2O®, a patented grout application for the mining industry predominantly designed to address high pressure, high in-flow rate water ingress. Since then, Sovereign’s technology and services have been applied for water control in various subsurface mines and surface pits throughout the world – from...


Permeation Grouting

Permeation Grouting

Permeation grouting, also known as pressure grouting, fills cracks or voids in rock and pore space in granular soils with a flowable grout thereby forming a cohesive/cemented mass. To achieve the highest quality results, permeation grouting is performed by experienced personnel using safe, controlled, low-pressure injection techniques designed to consolidate...

Jet Grouting

Jet Grouting

Jet grouting is a trenchless ground improvement method that utilizes high velocity grout injection to stabilize soil conditions within a project site. Sovereign’s jet grouting technology improves in-situ soil with a stabilizing grout mix, delivered through high velocity jets, to create soil-cement columns. Using a small diameter rod (3’’), the...



As a global industry leader, Sovereign is committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety, quality, innovation, and commitment to the community.


Sovereign is deeply committed to achieving the highest standard of safety and health for all employees and stakeholders through best-in-class training, equipment and procedures.


From beginning to end, Sovereign is focused on delivering excellent results to our clients and maintaining a workforce and workplace that attracts and retains top talent.


Success means constant innovation. Sovereign’s talented research time continues work to improve our products and services to meet all client needs.


Through charitable giving, events and volunteering on a local, national and international level, Sovereign helps support the community and families in need.


Read what our valued clients have to say about their exceptional experiences with our company. From seamless collaborations to impressive outcomes, our satisfied customers highlight the quality and dedication that sets us apart.

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32-02 Vernon Blvd. Astoria, NY 11106
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Combined use of several NOH2O® injection techniques for positive-side, curtain grouting to remediate water leaks through liner sections, joints and bolts
NOH2O® successfully formed a waterproofing membrane in the annular space between inner steel and outer concrete tunnel lining

Project Overview

Sovereign was tasked to demonstrate through a field trial that NOH2O® could provide cost- effective sealing of voids at the interface between the steel liner and outer concrete components of the tunnel structure to mitigate water infiltration.


Sovereign designed a demonstration project employing curtain grouting, injection of NOH2O® through our specially designed bolts, sealing of joints between steel liner segments, and grout data management and reporting. Sovereign also included an emergency grouting plan if water ingress at any location exceeded a pre-determined threshold value.


Sovereign performed curtain grouting of the steel tunnel liner and the concrete interface between Station Mk. 56+25 and 56+45 in the Inbound Track (L1) of the Yellow line. Our methods included careful drilling and documentation of grout holes, pre-grouting dye testing, injection of NOH2O® through grout holes, specially-designed bolts and ports created at steel liner joints. A record book containing detailed grouting data was made available to WMATA during and after the successful trial program.


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Coney Island Yard Complex Long Term Flood Mitigation, Brooklyn, 2019-2022


Jet-Grouting Program in Complex Geology
Cut-Off Wall Constructed to Depths of up to 60 Feet
3800 Linear Feet of Cut-Off Wall Constructed

Project Overview

The project required Design and construction of a water cut-off wall ranging up to 60 feet in depth using jet-grouting technology in complex geology that contained organic soil, peat layers, the presence of bio-fluids and natural obstructions.


Sovereign developed a plan using a combination of 3-foot and 5-foot diameter jet grouting columns to create the cut-off wall filling in between existing piles and adjacent to critical transit structures.


Work was completed between 2019 and 2022. Sovereign successfully created 3,800 linear feet of water cut-off wall.


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Water Infiltration Mitigation, 96th Street Station, Second Avenue Subway


Application of NOH2O® as a Positive Side / Curtain Grouting for leak Remediation
NOH2O® forms a waterproofing membrane above the Station roof structure in the Mezzanine Public area
Schedule driven performance to ensure execution before substantial completion
Provide 10-Year Warranty

Project Overview

92nd Street Station on the Second Avenue Subway Line was opened to the public in 2017, but the roof structure in the Mezzanine public zone was plagued by significant water infiltration. Several unsuccessful chemical grouting attempts were made by MTA C&D prior to tasking Sovereign to remediate leaks through the roof structure in the public zone. The area treated included the roof of the public area between the W30 Architectural walls from column line 15 to column line 22.

Client – MTA Construction & Development (MTA C&D)
Contract Number – MC-881A Task Order # 1
Project Start – October 2019
Project End – August 2020


Sovereign was tasked to design and implement an effective solution. Following research and development, Sovereign designed a leak program using NOH2O® to create a new waterproofing membrane above the roof employing positive-side grout application. Several tests were then performed to confirm successful spread of grout over the treated area.


Work was successfully completed on schedule, followed by a period of observation of the treated area conducted jointly with MTA C&D. The treated areas were cleaned and painted before the final acceptance walkthrough and completion of the project. NOH2O® successfully formed waterproofing membrane above the roof structure, rendering the treated areas dry.


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MTA Bridges and Tunnels – Verrazano Bridge, 2020


Combined use of NOH2O® and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) for positive-side, curtain grouting, leak remediation
NOH2O® formed a waterproofing membrane along the outer boundary of a utility tunnel
Schedule-driven performance to ensure completion in time for the summer holiday season

Project Overview

The Verrazzano Narrows Bridge Toll Plaza Utility Tunnel has suffered significant water infiltration since its construction As part of an overall bridge rehabilitation program, Sovereign was tasked to ensure the Toll Plaza Utility Tunnel provides a long-term dry environment for existing and future communication, surveillance, and power systems.


Sovereign was tasked to design a cost-effective solution and, based on extensive research and development, developed a plan for combined use of OPC and NOH2O® for cost-effective sealing of voids at the interface between the outside of the tunnel structure and surrounding soils/rock to mitigate water infiltration.


Work was successfully completed in 12 weeks, in time for the summer holiday season. OPC cost-effectively filling excess void space behind the concrete tunnel structure, providing a better-defined pathway within which the NOH2O® waterproofing membrane was injected and solidified, rendering the tunnel dry.

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Sibanye-Stillwater selected a test section in the Benbow Decline to demonstrate the effectiveness of Sovereign’s proprietary NOH2O® water-sealing grout and injection methods. The test grouting was performed to determine Sovereign’s ability to assist the mine development contractor in maintaining a net water inflow of <100 gallons per minute (gpm) into the decline while excavating the remaining 2,400 feet.

After mobilizing to the site on March 13, 2020 and as directed by Sibanye-Stillwater, the mine development contractor commenced drilling a number of holes in the decline ranging in depth from 60-80 feet in an effort to intersect the source of inflowing water. Observed water inflows ranged from 2–109 gpm at pressures of 200–350 pounds per square inch (psi). Hydraulic connections between grout holes and specific mine leaks were mapped by injecting dye into the grout holes and observing dye reporting through fractured strata in the walls of the decline. These observations were then used to make specific decisions in the field on where to inject grout.

The total water inflow of approximately 105 gpm into the 90-foot-long test section measured at the start of the grouting program was reduced to 40-45 gpm by March 23, 2020. As conveyed in a conference call at the end of the program, the mine development contractor and Sibanye-Stillwater concluded that the trial was successful, and the team was extremely satisfied with Sovereign’s overall performance.

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In 2017 a new shaft was being constructed in a mine in Poland. The shaft was being sunk at 8.7m diameter by conventional blind sinking methods. The shaft sink was at around 1067m deep and, while conducting standard probe drilling in advance of the shaft floor, the probe holes intersected very high pressure – high inflow rate water. This water inflow was up to 1800L per minute with a static pressure of 75bar. The water was 47°C, highly mineralized and brought with it toxic concentrations of H2S gas. The water and gas were contained in a fairly well-defined 5m thick dolomite rock layer (the aquifer) at approx. 28-33m below the shaft floor. The shaft sink could not continue through this saline aquifer without first sealing the water and gas inflows.

For the next 18 months, the shaft-sinking contractor tried diligently to seal this aquifer by using a variety of different grout products from within the shaft and from the surface. This water-sealing effort had a massive impact on the project financially, and the construction schedule was 1.5 years behind schedule which also had an impact on the mine operator.

Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and some 15 different grout products such as ultra fine, resins, polyurethanes, acrylics were tried and all had little to no effect as the dolomite rock mass was very tight, and the static head pressure would eject the grout projects before they could take effect.

In January 2019, the shaft-sinking contractor contacted Sovereign Hydroseal to see if its proprietary grouting technology could successfully control the shaft water. An inspection was conducted by Sovereign in February 2019, and an NOH2O® grouting trial program was negotiated. Sovereign mobilized staff from Australia, the U.S. and South Africa and equipment and grout products from the United States and Australia in April 2019. In less than 4 weeks the water and gas inflow had been sealed to well below the required minimum with only the trial volume of grout products used.

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Mopani Copper Mines – Ventilation Shaft Grouting – Kitwe, Zambia, 2018-2019

Sovereign performed grouting of the Synclinorium Primary Ventilation Shaft at Kitwe, Zambia. This shaft was designed and constructed with the ventilation fans installed at the surface. There was water ingress into the shaft at various horizons in the upper 120m from surface, and the total inflow was originally estimated to be in the volume of 5000 liters per hour. The water entering the shaft had a very corrosive effect on the fan steelwork, and therefore was detrimental to the performance and the projected life span of the fans.

Sovereign designed a drilling and grouting program involving vertical holes drilled at locations outside of the shaft that intercepted the water leaks without removing of any of the fan infrastructure.

A shaft camera survey was performed to determine target drilling depths and a total water inflow water measurement was made prior to commencement of grouting. The actual water ingress into the shaft was measured at 10,130 liters per hour, more than double the 5000 liters per hour anticipated prior to the time of construction.

Upon completion of the grouting program the final water ingress measured at the bottom of the shaft was 82 liters per hour, better than a 99% reduction!

Drilling and grouting was carried out over a 90-day, incident-free period via down-stage pressure-grouting through 12 vertical diamond-drilled holes using a combination of Sovereign’s proprietary NOH2O® grout and Ordinary Portland Cement grout.

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MTACC – 34th Street Hudson Yards, 2016


NOH2O® provides permanent leak remediation
Performance is warrantied
Minimal impact to station operations – zero impact to revenue service
NOH2O® yields success after previous grouting attempts by others failed

Project Overview

NYCT’s 34th Street -Hudson Yards Subway Station, which opened to the public in September 2015, was plagued by water infiltration very shortly after its opening. The water leaks impacted the operation of escalators, created slippery walking surfaces and damaged architectural finishes. In 2016, Sovereign was tasked to design a solution involving application of NOH2O® to mitigate impacts to the station’s operation and the unsightly conditions.


Sovereign developed a two-phase approach/plan. Phase 1 focused on treatment of areas accessible and visible to the public. Phase 2 addressed leaks in the non-public concourse areas and a ventilation shaft.


Phase 1, completed in 6 weeks by working 12-hour night shifts, reduced impacts to the public while the Station remained in service throughout the program. Phase 2 was completed in 8 weeks, with work shifts varying between day and night shifts.

The initially-planned duration of the leak remediation work (6 months) was shortened to 3 months.

34th Street – Hudson Yards Station is free of unwanted water infiltration.

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NYCT – South Ferry Terminal, 2015


First MTA/NYCT application of NOH2O® for positive-side, curtain grouting
NOH2O® formed a waterproofing membrane along the outer boundaries of the station and tunnel structures
Project completed 4 months ahead of schedule improvement allowing early start of architectural finishes work and systems installation
NOH2O® was selected over 6 other competing leak mitigation products

Project Overview

The South Ferry Terminal Complex was severely damaged by Superstorm Sandy in 2012. As a result of the Station being entirely submerged in saltwater, the entire Station underwent a total makeover. Prior to this event, Station enhancements had been completed in 2009. However, water infiltration remained a problem. In 2015, Sovereign was tasked to design a solution utilizing NOH2O® to mitigate water infiltration and ensure a dry Station.


Sovereign developed a two-phase approach/plan. Phase 1 treated the entire Station cut & cover box, and Phase 2 focused on the adjacent facility rooms and tunnels.


Phase 1 was completed in 8 weeks. Phase 2 was completed in 12 weeks. Work was completed during both day and night shifts. The application of NOH2O® successfully formed a membrane along the outside of the station and tunnel structures, rendering them dry.

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